Now for the unaware, CV (Curriculum Vitae) or a resume is a brief account of a person.

It acts as a letter of credentials for a job application

Major utilities of one’s CV or Resume are:  

  1. It goes where you cannot.
  2. It represents you and does the job on your behalf.


The above two functions are not very different from the tasks entrusted by Napoleon to his generals. His simple strategy which won him many wars (from French revolutionary wars to coalition battles) was to create a workforce that bore a true reflection of his values. An army which understood his ideals adopted them as their own and more or less immersed in their commanders’ image. A kind of replica in a sense. Hence the lieutenants on the ground were like his identity cards, opening up gates in enemies’ defences.


On one command his fighters would deploy all over territories to accomplish his objectives, quite similarly how in today's world in one click of a button you could send your resumes and CVs to represent and advocate for you. 


Your resume, in turn, would ascertain your skills, highlight your qualification as well as vouch for your credibility. It essentially does the job of a lobbyist trying to turn the tides in his or her client’s favour or at least present a good and appealing picture of one with an aim to promote and push one’s interest accompanied by the objective of achieving inspiring results. 




While chopping through the sea, ships are always on the lookout for a glimmer of light that would lead them in the right direction and correct their course. 


On the same lines, modern companies look for that right candidate who would help them on their journey, who is reliable and would do the job effectively. Today there is a need for young managers entrepreneurs taking on the leadership mantle and making a difference. But how does one turn into a lighthouse you would ask?


We here at CV OWL essentially do that very job. To make your resume stand out amongst an ocean of candidates. With over 5 million youth joining India’s workforce one would certainly need to stand out and stand tall. (


The job market has always been a tough place but fortunately with more and more technologies emerging it has become more interesting and competitively engaging. The trend lines are pointing to a direction of a very high ratio of applications to acceptance, combined with opening up of new arenas and various novel avenues one would expect to be effectively challenged in a survival of the fittest kind of way, therefore again putting the emphasis on starting on the right foot and strong base. 


For one to stand out amongst competitors one has to present oneself as an asset that any company is missing out on and the very first contact that any organization has with the candidate is his or her resume hence it becomes moreover important to appear as a shining lighthouse ready to accomplish any entrusted task and doing it effectively to completion.




Consider this why do big MNCs outsource their essential jobs, why do leaders delegate responsibility and why does your toothpaste not have salt?


Well, the answers to two out the three questions are Specialists. 


Specialism as a concept essentially emerges from the need to have perfection. (near perfection since nobody can be perfect) because perfection brings stability, it brings confidence. When you know that your methods were near perfect you would be better prepared to face the consequences and ready to take on new challenges.


You can think this way you are on your way for an important task would stop to look after the nitty-gritty or would you rather focus on the broader perspective and the job at hand. That is exactly what we are here for, to do the dirty job, to be the lieutenant to general napoleon, to sort out your profile for you to focus on acing that interview. 




We here at CV OWL provide a range of services, be it building a resume from scratch to modifying or updating your profile set up it will all be done.


Want that funky looking cv or want to impress with simplicity or minimalism or maybe want to shock your interviewers you name it and we will do it. 


With our experienced team adhering to the highest work ethos and working with a variety of interesting aspiring candidates who are looking longingly at that corner office, it is our aim to lay the perfect find the perfect trampoline for you to jump up on and just take off. 


We are not asking you to put all your eggs in one basket rather make an investment that keeps on giving.


“It is better to have one bad manager than a dozen good ones” – Robert Greene 

and we are not even bad.


You might say All talk No action? All these convincing arguments for the importance of building up a resume with us and all the flowery examples but nothing tangible. Don’t fret there are our sample resumes for you to treat your eyes.



Now that you have seen our work and presumably understood our philosophy and the emphasis that we put on trust and work ethos, we would like you to provide us with the honour and privilege to serve you. Give us an opportunity to be your foot soldier let us create a desirable and an attractive persona of you through your CV or resume, Let us be a part of your success story because if you succeed, we succeed and this is one war that we don’t want to lose, one that we won’t lose.

Click on the link above to apply right now and TAKE THE PLUNGE!