What all are to be included in your cover letter if you are applying for a part-time job?
Whether it is a formal letter or a cover letter, always remember that following a business like professional format will always be beneficial for you. While researching on the internet for cover letter templates, make sure to choose those ones whose cover letter format is business type.
Following the business format, while writing your cover letter, mention your name, address, phone number, email address, date of writing a cover letter and your employer's name and address on the top left corner of the cover letter. It's important that you mention both your contact details and the details of your employer in your cover letter. Always remember to provide valid and up to date contact details for easier communication. Also you can get idea while going through some samples available online.
In a letter of any sort, including a cover letter which you will attach and send with your resume, a salutation is a must. While addressing the salutation in a polite manner, mention the name of the recruiter.
If the name of the hiring manager is unknown to you, go to the official website of the company and try finding it out. You can call the front office of the company and get to know the name of the hiring manager. If you are still unable to know who the hiring manager of the company is, then address your salutation as "To the hiring manager" as suggested in several cover letter samples available online.
Now coming to the body of the letter, a majority of the cover letter templates available online will suggest you to write the first paragraph of your cover letter in a way that it introduces yourself as a candidate and aptly describes your interest in joining the particular position in the concerned company.
Also while writing a cover letter, Mention how you came to know about the job - whether it is through any job searching portal or through anyone's recommendation. Such a mention conveys your alertness and responsiveness towards job opportunities which might interest several companies.
In this paragraph of writing a cover letter, mention your strengths and skill set and how it helped you in achieving goals in the previous jobs you had. Put emphasis on the skill sets which you think are required and relevant to the current job position you are trying to fill.
Along with hard skills, highlight your soft skills such as communication skills, comprehensive ability, research skills and so on and so forth. Putting enough emphasis on soft skills goes a long way in our opinion.
While writing a cover letter, keep in mind to quantify your skills in the third paragraph, which you have previously mentioned in the second paragraph of your cover letter. Quantifying skills is a great way to attract the attention of your recruiting manager.
If you put numbers before your skills describing how your skills helped you achieve goals and reach targets previously, this will help your future employers to understand how much value you will bring to the company through the concerned job position.
In the concluding paragraph of your cover letter, always remember to mention how the company can reach you if you are selected for the job. While writing a cover letter for yourself, always mention your preferred mode of contact so that you can get notified from the company at the earliest.
Before you actually finish writing a cover letter, choose a closing salutation that looks aptly professional. If you research and see various cover letter samples, you will find the ending salutation to be "Thanking you".
Include a handwritten signature and a typed signature while closing the letter. Such efforts from the candidates' side adds value to their resume and the attached cover letter.
Tips and Tricks of writing a cover letter
Make a habit of writing cover letters while applying for jobs in different companies. Having the ability to write a good cover letter goes a long way in your professional career. Since you will be attaching the cover letter along with your resume, it is essential that you know and practice how to write an effective cover letter for yourself.
The purpose of a cover letter is to support your resume and thus having a cover letter is of utmost necessity. Until and unless a job profile of a company specifically does not mention the necessity of a cover letter, remember to submit a cover letter along with your resume.
A cover letter is an informative letter that justifies your skills and experience mentioned in your resume. Thus, always remember to keep your cover letter informative, yet brief and to the point. Having a two page long, elaborate cover letter is of no use because none of the recruiters have neither time nor the interest to go through your essay like a cover letter and dig out relevant information.
Since the job you are applying for is a part time job, it's always necessary to mention the work hours you are available for. Having flexible hours of work will go a long way if you are looking for part time jobs. Many companies look out for candidates who can work on shifts, and if you can work on shifts in a day with flexible work hours, they might even consider you for a full time job position.
Every cover letter made for a specific job position a specific company is different from the next because every job position and company have different requirements of their own. Thus it becomes extremely essential to edit your cover letter according to the needs of every company. Every time you submit your resume to a company, diligently go through the requirements of the company and proofread your cover letter according to those needs.
Your CV or resume is your first impression for any company. With the help of CV Owl, you can get a well-structured CV and your time will be saved. Everything on your CV should be written in a formal manner and in a precise way. You have only 20 seconds to impress your recruiter with your CV, make the best out of it. Visit our series “The HR Talk” where we help you know everything about your job interview from the recruiters.
Try CV Owl as we help you furnish a fully-formatted in a chronological order resume on our RESUME BUILDER or cover letter. You can also try our CV REVIEW SERVICE, through which you get a CV writing expert reviewing the insight of your CV and advising you so that you can make your CV stand out.