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How to start looking for a job

The more the time and energy you devote to your job search, more are the chances of being successful

Most of the people have never been taught how to find a job. Some research shows that an average person tends to spend only four years in a job. The question is that how to look for a perfect job and what pre-requisite skills or knowledge is required before searching for a job.

Many jobs are going to come your way but patience is very important . As many as 12- 15 jobs over the course of the period . So don't panic !

Job Searching

Searching for a job can be a taxing process. So here are some things that every job seeker can do to be successful in their job search. They are :

  • Firstly, remember that you only need one company to hire you . Instead of focusing your efforts on making dozens or hundreds of contacts with prospective employers, be selective!
  • Don't be in a hurry .Take a substantial amount of time to think about what kind of job you want to target .
    • Choose what job title, functional roles, and industry are you interested in?
    • Keep a list of any specific companies that you would like to work for?
    • How would you describe it?
  • Devote time to organize your job search. Outline a technique and then use your plan to arrange a weekly list of activities.
  • Create a schedule every day for your job search activities. Make a list of activities that you want to complete each day. However if an interview or networking opportunity comes up , then you will have to rearrange your schedule to fit it in.
  • Set aside a separate workspace for your job search. Allocate a specific area for conducting your job search. This area should be preferably free from distractions.
  • Devote sufficient time to your job search. If you are going to devote more time to your job search, then networking will be more aggressive and the job search will be more faster as compared to earlier.
  • If you are not currently working , then commit yourself to a minimum of 40 hours per week devoted to your job search campaign. If you are currently working, then devote a minimum of 15-20 hours per week for job search.

  • Recognize that your motivation is going to extend and reduce , counting on the success (or lack of success) you're having in reaching your job search goal. Reward yourself for the efforts that you have put into it, not for the results achieved .
  • It is very important that you get the support of a team to help you. Ask your friends and family members to help you for encouragement. Use referrals to boost your job search process. Use the services offered by your city, country, or state employment agency .Contact your university or college alumni associate to get you a job you are interested for.
  • Enlist an accountability partner. Recruit any one person to constantly support , encourage, and motivate you thoroughly in your job search. This can be either your friend, job seeker or a coach/ career counselor.
  • (Choose someone who may be objective with you — and critical of your efforts made— when they ought to be. That role could be too difficult for a spouse/partner.)

  • It can be easier to get a job if you have a job experience in hand (even if the job isn’t related to the job you want). Not having a job experience on the other hand or not working could be ‘riskier’ because employers sometimes feel that hiring someone who is unemployed is more riskier than hiring a person who is already working.
  • If you are having difficulty finding a suitable job in your locality, consider relocation. If you live in an area where there are high levels of unemployment - especially in your industry, then consider yourself shifting to another city, state or region as this could improve your chances of getting hired in a company.

Research your ideal job/ What do you want

Success in a job search involves identifying and articulating a clear idea of what you want. Create a perfect job description for the type of job you are searching for. Clearly describe the job title, type of company, location, responsibilities, compensation/benefits, job security etc.

Identify which of your skills are most marketable/ useful to a prospective employer. Accordingly make a list of your skills : customer service , sales , accountant, graphic designer etc.

Clarifying your skills will not only help in your job search , but will also help you to identify that which skills, knowledge , and training you should put more emphasis on to enhance your resume.

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What am I good at?
  • What am I not so good at?
  • What do I love doing?
  • What skills do I need to update or learn in order to survive in the competitive world?

Companies mostly hire employees to solve a problem they are facing. To be effective in your job search, you should be able to identify what problem the company is dealing with and position yourself as a problem-solver.

For example - Companies don’t hire HR employees as they hire them to ensure compliance with government regulations and to help them in identifying/recruiting/ hiring/ retaining effective employees. So figure out what role you are really performing for the company.

Don ‘t only focus on large companies on your job search .You can focus more on small and medium sized companies like MSMEs which are a significant source of creating new job opportunities. But most often you won’t find jobs being posted on large boards.>

Instead, look on the company’s website or Facebook page, or LinkedIn company profile for any job openings or applications.

Find companies that are hiring

Make a list of companies that you would like to work with . Then thoroughly research the company to determine whether they are hiring or not. Try to talk to people working for the Company. You may read articles about the company in the local newspaper, business journals, trade publications or bulletins .

If they are growing ,then they will likely be hiring in the future. Local business journals can be good way to find lesser-known companies that are growing .This can give you a lot of information about prospering companies and that have the potential of becoming dominant.

Search for “local business journal” or “(City) business journal” on Google, or you can also check out The Business Journals listing at .

The Yellow Pages or the online industry directories can be a good source of potential Employers.

If you have plans or want to work with any specific industry, then make a list of companies in the industry and then use your networking skills like LinkedIn research, and direct contact with the prospective employers ( specific company you want to work with) to find out if they are hiring.

Many companies generally post their job openings on their social media accounts. Simply “Like” the company page on Facebook , “follow” them on Twitter, and check to ascertain if they provide a company page on LinkedIn to follow.

These are by far the most effective and time efficient ways for job searching that would help you in getting a job anytime sooner in the near future . So take a glimpse of this Article and be assured!

Career Expert at CV Owl