10 Tips to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out

LinkedIn is a platform that allows you to build and maintain your professional identity. It is the largest professional network that helps professionals connect with each other.

Therefore, having an impressive LinkedIn profile is crucial not only for the job seekers but also other professionals in the industry.

Here are 10 simple yet helpful tips that will help you make your LinkedIn profile stand out from the rest:

#1 - Choose a professional looking profile picture –

Uploading the right picture as your LinkedIn profile photo becomes crucial. Make sure you look professional in that picture. A LinkedIn profile with a profile photo of the user has more potential to garner the attention of the recruiters.

If you do not know how to make your profile picture look professional then look at what other people working in your target company, industry sector or business level professionals are wearing in their profile pictures.

With huge numbers of profiles on LinkedIn, those without a profile photo are most likely to be left out. A good photo of you will speak a lot about your personality. So make sure it is great.

#2- Write an attention grabbing headline -

Your headline has the potential to create the first impression about yourself. So make sure it is creative and not cliché.

It doesn’t have to include your job title and company name. That space should be effectively used to showcase who you are and what makes you better or differentiates you from others.

It acts as a marketing tool for you to display who you are and what you do. Therefore, always make sure to write an eye-catching headline.

#3 - Draft a summary worth reading -

Your summary is a longer version of your headline. It has more characters than the headline section.

However, it should be noted that the attention spans of people are shorter these days. So make sure that you do not use all the characters.

Do not include unnecessary or irrelevant information. Do not focus too much on your past job experiences. However, include information on what you do well and how can you be beneficial to the prospective employers.

Use this section to your advantage creatively to paint a picture about who you are as a professional.

#4 - Focus more on highlighting your experience -

Write about your previous job experiences in this section. Do not write too much about it.

Only highlight the key aspects. Do not just include what you did in your previous jobs but showcase what you accomplished then.

Provide information about what you did for your previous organizations and how they reaped benefits through your work. This will serve as an added advantage to your profile.

#5 - Provide information about your education -

Adding information about your education will help the prospective employers find the right person holding any relevant Bachelor’s or Master’s Degree in any field.

This information has the potential to offer you the right jobs that match your qualification. For example, if you have attained a Master’s degree from a top institute, your chances of being hired by a reputed organization increases manifold.

#6- Showcase your skills -

Scroll through the list of skills and add create a list of all those skills that are relevant to you. However, do not include any skills that are irrelevant or have nothing to do with who you are and what can you do.

#7- Let your URL be customized by you -

Your LinkedIn URL will be set by default containing your name and a few numbers in it.

You can customize it to make it appear more relevant. You can easily change your URL. You just have to edit your public URL which is an option you can easily see along the right side of your profile.

#8 - Highlight your achievements -

Recruiters are looking out for people who have been high performers. Therefore, use this section to your advantage and showcase all your achievements here.

Include what you have achieved during the course of your education or what you have accomplished while participating in any extra-curricular activities. Include any certificates and awards that you have received for any projects that you have completed professionally or otherwise.

#9 - You should have at least 50 connections -

Having less than 50 connections will create a negative impression about you. Recruiters might feel that you are socially inactive and you are not technologically updated.

Therefore, make a point to have a network of at least 50 people on LinkedIn.

#10 - Ensure that people can find you -

Add your email address or Blog or Twitter handle to the contact information section of your profile. This will enable people to find you on LinkedIn.

#11 - Stay an active user -

Remain active on LinkedIn. Keep posting articles, photos or videos that deem to be helpful or worth sharing.

Hoping these above tips would help you make a winning LinkedIn profile.

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